Every year, Chuck commits to traveling to all62 counties in New York to meet with constituents.
\nOn November 4, 2011, Schumer toured the new recently completed Federal Courthouse in Buffalo. Schumer's work on the Buffalo Courthouse began in 2002, when he sought Congressional authorization for the federal project. After successfully gaining Congress' support, Schumer helped to deliver $83 million in federal funding for the project, which began in 2007. Schumer was also instrumental in pushing the Office of Management and Budget to release nearly $10 million to the General Services Administration to help move site selection and the design process forward. Since the groundbreaking, Schumer has fought to keep costs down and ensure that the costs of construction mistakes were not passed along to taxpayers. Schumer was joined by Chief U.S. District Judge William Skretny, and U.S. District Judge Richard Arcara.