Every year, Chuck commits to traveling to all62 counties in New York to meet with constituents.
Standing at United Cerebral Palsy in Utica, NY, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today called on Congress to pass the Disability Integration Act. Schumer explained that this new legislation will help individuals with disabilities live more independently by providing necessary at-home and community-based services and supports. Specifically, the legislation ensures that any individual who is found eligible for institutional care must also be given the option to receive the same necessary services and supports at home, or in a setting of their choosing, that would have otherwise been provided in an institutional setting. Schumer explained that the legislation gives individuals with disabilities the option to live more independently, and in the comfort of their own home, rather than in an institutional facility away from their friends and family. Moreover, Schumer said that this legislation will help ease the financial burden of those who do not want to live in a facility and may be paying high out-of-pocket insurance costs for in-home services and supports. Schumer also went on to say that the bill will help alleviate the emotional burden that family members are often faced with when taking care of their loved ones with disabilities who are not receiving the necessary services and supports. Schumer, the sponsor and author of this bill, said Congress should do promptly pass this bill, as it will help promote independent living among Americans with disabilities.