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Bill Description
Sponsored — I Love New York Tax Deduction Act of 2001
Sponsored — SAFE Grant Act of 2001
Sponsored — Medicare+Choice Equity and Access Act of 2001
Sponsored — Gun Sale Anti-Fraud and Privacy Protection Act
Sponsored — Consumer Credit Score Disclosure Act of 2001
Sponsored — Veterans Housing Fairness Act of 2001
Sponsored — FBI Reform Commission Act of 2001
Sponsored — A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that Lebanon, Syria, and Iran should allow representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit the four Israelis, Adi Avitan, Binyamin Avraham, Omar Souad, and Elchanan Tannenbaum, presently held by Hezbollah forces in Lebanon.
Sponsored — Child Poverty Reduction Act
Sponsored — Iran and Libya Sanctions Extension Act of 2001
Sponsored — IRS Refund Accessibility Act of 2001
Sponsored — Low-Income Energy Assistance Reinvestment Act
Sponsored — Motor Donor Act
Sponsored — Health Information Technology and Quality Improvement Act of 2001
Sponsored — A bill to amend title 49, United States Code, relating to the airport noise and access review program.
Sponsored — Governors Island Preservation Act of 2001
Sponsored — Andrew Carnegie Libraries for Lifelong Learning Act
Sponsored — A bill to provide signing and mastery bonuses and mentoring programs for math and science teachers.
Sponsored — Acid Rain Control Act