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Bill Description
Cosponsored — A bill to temporarily increase the Federal medical assistance percentage for the medicaid program.
Cosponsored — 1993 World Trade Center Victims Compensation Act
Cosponsored — Arafat Accountability Act
Cosponsored — Syria Accountability Act of 2002
Cosponsored — Steel Industry Consolidation and Retiree Benefits Protection Act of 2002
Cosponsored — Playwrights Licensing Relief Act of 2002
Sponsored — World War I Veterans Medal of Honor Justice Act
Sponsored — A resolution designating April 6, 2002, as “National Missing Persons Day”.
Sponsored — A bill for the relief of Thomas J. Sansone, Jr.
Sponsored — Posthumous Citizenship Restoration Act of 2001
Sponsored — True American Heroes Act
Sponsored — A bill to name the national cemetery in Saratoga, New York, as the Gerald B. H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery, and for other purposes.
Sponsored — A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress regarding the crash of American Airlines Flight 587.
Sponsored — Use NICS in Terrorist Investigations Act
Sponsored — A concurrent resolution recognizing and honoring Joseph henry for his significant and distinguished role in the development and advancement of science and the use of electricity.
Sponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow for the expansion of areas designated as renewal communities based on 2000 census data.
Sponsored — A concurrent resolution providing for a joint session of Congress to be held in New York City, New York.
Sponsored — Anti-Hoax Terrorism Act of 2001
Sponsored — September 11 Surviving Spouse Student Loan Relief Act