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Bill Description
Sponsored — Small Business Interest Checking Act of 2001
Sponsored — Make College Affordable Act of 2001
Sponsored — Homeownership Opportunities for Uniformed Services and Educators Act
Sponsored — Federal Election Modernization Act of 2001
Sponsored — Inviting New Scholars to Participate in Renewing Education Act
Sponsored — Prosecution Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison Act of 2001
Sponsored — Quality Teacher Recruitment Act of 2001
Sponsored — A bill to put teachers first by providing grants for master teacher programs.
Sponsored — Commuter Benefits Equity Act of 2001
Sponsored — Voting Study and Improvement Act of 2000
Sponsored — Harriet Tubman Special Resource Study Act
Cosponsored — Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 2000
Cosponsored — Medicaid DSH Fairness Act of 2000
Cosponsored — A bill to prohibit the importation of any textile or apparel article that is produced, manufactured, or grown in Burma.
Sponsored — A bill to amend title 49, United States Code, relating to the airport noise and access review program.
Cosponsored — Peace Through Negotiations Act of 2000
Sponsored — A resolution designating October 16, 2000, to October 20, 2000, as “National Teach For America Week”.
Cosponsored — A concurrent resolution establishing a special task force to recommend an appropriate recognition for the slave laborers who worked on the construction of the United States Capitol.
Cosponsored — A resolution designating November 18, 2000, as “National Survivors of Suicide Day”.