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Sponsored — Procompetitiveness and Antiboycott Act of 1993
Cosponsored — Designating May 1992 as “Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month”.
Cosponsored — Designating February 4, 1993, and February 3, 1994, as “National Women and Girls in Sports Day”.
Sponsored — To extend for two years the authorizations of appropriations for certain programs under title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.
Cosponsored — Amtrak Authorization and Development Act
Sponsored — Anti-Car Theft Act of 1992
Cosponsored — Designating January 16, 1993, as “National Good Teen Day”.
Cosponsored — Designating May 3, 1992 through May 9, 1992, as “Be Kind to Animals and National Pet Week”.
Cosponsored — Designating the week beginning October 25, 1992, as “World Population Awareness Week”.
Cosponsored — Supporting the planting of 500 redwood trees from California in Spain in commemoration of the quincentenary of the voyage of Christopher Columbus and designating the trees as a gift to the people of Spain.
Cosponsored — Designating November 30, 1992, through December 6, 1992, as “National Education First Week”.
Cosponsored — Designating March 1993 as “Irish-American Heritage Month”.
Cosponsored — Designating October 24, 1992, through November 1, 1992, as “National Red Ribbon Week for a Drug-Free America”.
Cosponsored — Designating December 1, 1992, as “World AIDS Day”.
Sponsored — National Child Protection Act of 1991
Sponsored — Biden-Thurmond Justice Improvements Act
Cosponsored — Civil War Battlefield Commemorative Coin Act of 1992
Sponsored — Sentencing Enforcement Act of 1992
Sponsored — Hate Crimes Sentencing Enhancement Act of 1992