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Bill Description
Sponsored — A bill to provide that any funds appropriated for fiscal year 1985 or fiscal year 1986 to the Department of Defense for procurement under the B-1B bomber program shall be transferred to the Secretary of Education to be used for grants to State and local educational agencies for the hiring of additional elementary school teachers.
Cosponsored — A joint resolution to designate the week beginning November 25, 1984, as “National Home Care Week”.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Food Stamp Act of 1977 to establish separate deductions allowable for dependent care expenses and excess shelter expenses for purposes of determining certain benefit levels under the food stamp program, and to increase the maximum amount of such deductions.
Cosponsored — A bill to provide an experience of life in the United States to children from areas affected by civil strife in Ireland by permitting the use of education block grant funds.
Cosponsored — A bill to prohibit the sales of Stinger air defense guided missile systems to Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act with respect to payment levels for hospice care.
Cosponsored — A bill to make additional immigrant visas available for immigrants from certain foreign countries, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — Employee Stock Ownership Act of 1984
Cosponsored — A joint resolution to designate October 1984 as “National Down’s Syndrome Month”.
Cosponsored — Information Dissemination and Research Accountability Act
Cosponsored — A joint resolution to authorize and request the President to designate May 1984 as “National Physical Fitness and Sports Month”.
Cosponsored — A resolution to require the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives to investigate the murders of United States citizens in El Salvador.
Cosponsored — Youth Incentive Employment Act
Cosponsored — A joint resolution to provide for the awarding of a gold medal to Elie Wiesel in recognition of his humanitarian efforts and outstanding contributions to world literature and human rights.
Cosponsored — A resolution to express the sense of the House of Representatives concerning Solidarity Sunday for Soviet Jewry.
Cosponsored — A concurrent resolution to encourage the people of Paraguay in their efforts to reclaim and exercise their basic human rights.
Sponsored — A bill to amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit the payment of benefits thereunder to individuals who have been deported or ordered deported from the United States on account of certain activities conducted under the direction of or in association with the Nazi government of Germany during World War II.
Cosponsored — A joint resolution directing the President to secure a full accounting of Americans missing in Southeast Asia.
Cosponsored — a bill making a supplemental appropriation to carry out title II of the Agricultural Trade Development And Assistance Act of 1954 (Public Law 83-480).