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Legislation from the 102nd congress
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Sponsored — Illegal Boycott Prosecution Act of 1992
Cosponsored — Designating October 1992 as “Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month”.
Cosponsored — Designating October 4, 1992, through October 10, 1992, as “National Bone Marrow Donor Awareness Week”.
Cosponsored — International Refugee Protection Act of 1992
Sponsored — To provide for increased preinspection at foreign airports, to make permanent the visa waiver pilot program, and to provide for expedited airport immigration processing.
Cosponsored — Civil Liberties Act Amendments of 1992
Sponsored — Prohibiting the proposed sale of F-15 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia until that country renounces and no longer observes the boycott of Israel by Arab countries.
Cosponsored — Voting Rights Language Assistance Act of 1992
Cosponsored — To designate the week of September 13, 1992, through September 19, 1992, as “National Rehabilitation Week”.
Cosponsored — To award a congressional gold medal to John Birks “Dizzy” Gillespie.
Sponsored — Drug and Alcohol Offenders Treatment Act of 1992
Sponsored — Firearm Theft Reporting Act of 1992
Cosponsored — To repeal the mandatory 20 percent income tax withholding on eligible rollover distributions which are not rolled over.
Cosponsored — Designating October 1992 as “Polish-American Heritage Month”.
Cosponsored — Designating October 30, 1992, as “Refugee Day”.
Sponsored — Chemical Control Amendments Act of 1992
Sponsored — Firearms Tracing Assistance Act of 1992
Sponsored — To waive the foreign residency requirement for the granting of a visa to Amanda Vasquez Walker.
Sponsored — Firearms Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1992