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Bill #
Bill Description
Cosponsored — Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2015
Cosponsored — PACT Act
Cosponsored — Agriculture Equipment and Machinery Depreciation Act
Sponsored — Commuter Benefits Equity Act of 2015
Cosponsored — National Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Restore Honor to Service Members Act
Cosponsored — Consumer Reporting Fairness Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Schedules That Work Act
Cosponsored — Puerto Rico Chapter 9 Uniformity Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Hadiya Pendleton and Nyasia Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Equal Dignity for Married Taxpayers Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Bring Jobs Home Act
Cosponsored — New Columbia Admission Act
Cosponsored — A bill to exempt application of JSA attribution rule in case of existing agreements.
Cosponsored — ROADS SAFE Act of 2015
Sponsored — QUIET Act
Cosponsored — Military and Veteran Caregiver Services Improvement Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act of 2015