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The Troy Seawall, Which Protects County Sewer Line, Was Severely Compromised During Tropical Storm Irene In 2011, Leaving The City Susceptible To Major Environmental And Economic Catastrophe 

Senator Committed To Funding The Troy Seawall Reconstruction In 2014; Announced Kickoff Of Work To Shield The City From Flooding And Spur Economic Development In 2018

Schumer: After 9 Years, Troy Seawall Project Is Finally Complete, Shoring Up Troy’s Future, Safety, And Economy

Standing with Mayor Patrick Madden and other Troy officials, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today participated in a historic ribbon cutting, which symbolized the completion of reconstruction on the Troy Seawall. Schumer said the completion of the project marks the end of a nine-year saga to repair the seawall which was severely damaged by repeated flooding, erosion, ice flows, and Tropical Storm Irene.

“Today’s celebration was years in the making, and the Troy Seawall restoration will not only protect the Hudson River waterfront by mitigating future flood damage but also increase economic investment in the waterfront and the entire community,” said Senator Schumer. “I am proud of both the role I played to deliver the millions in funds needed to help get this project across the finish line and the tireless efforts of Mayor Madden and his predecessor former Mayor Lou Rosamilia, without whom this project would never have seen the light of day.   Mayor Madden and his team have done a wonderful job coordinating the work, and synergizing the effort with beautiful redevelopments of the Troy Downtown Marina and Riverfront Park North.”

The senator noted that the completion of the project comes when Troy and the rest of the Capital Region are in the process of economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic ground New York to a halt. With the threat of weather destruction gone, Schumer said the newly revealed Seawall will boost further investment into and revitalize the City of Troy and help connect Capital Region residents back to the Hudson River.

Senator Schumer added, “I remember visiting the seawall on a chilly April day in 2014, with Mayor Rosamilia and local businessman Tom Nardacci. At that time there was real worry for the structural integrity of the seawall, and the disastrous impact that would occur to the neighboring area if a breach were to occur.   The completions of these renovations will spur further investment in the Troy waterfront by ensuring that businesses and residents are protected from the storms of the future. I promise to keep fighting tooth and nail to ensure that Troy and cities across Upstate New York have the resources they need to repair and protect their infrastructure for generations to come.”

The wall was initially constructed in 1922 and underwent repairs in 1978, 40 years ago. Climate change, increased ice flows, erosion and other naturally occurring events like Tropical Storm Irene, deeply damaged the wall, and severely compromised the integrity of the seawall, which also protects sewer systems and stabilizes a nearby building. Schumer also added, a pipe carrying raw sewage runs within 15 to 25 feet of the seawall and, if the seawall had seen further damaged, the sewage line could have easily been punctured, potentially causing an environmental disaster in the Hudson River and an economic disaster in nearby communities.

Schumer has long fought for this project, as rebuilding the seawall both prevents the risk of future flood damage and encourages private investment in the Troy waterfront. The senator played an integral role in 2014 to secure the initial $6.7 million in federal funding needed to begin the project. That amount grew in 2016 and topped out at $14.5 million. Schumer last visited the site in 2018 to kick off the construction project on the seawall.

Senator Schumer was joined by Mayor Patrick Madden.

Mayor Madden said, “Many remember the damage that Hurricane Irene visited upon the Collar City in 2011, and the subsequent impact on the seawall, local businesses, and downtown waterfront from high winds and flooding. Completion of this major infrastructure project—the largest in Troy’s history—helped stabilize our seawall, protect critical sewer infrastructure, and built a foundation for further revitalization of our waterfront, including construction of our new downtown marina and Riverfront Park North extension.

“Repairs to this critical asset would not have been possible without the support of Senator Schumer, and our state and federal partners at New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES), and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). We are grateful for their assistance & guidance in bringing this project to completion for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations of Trojans.”
