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Following Tragic 2009 Plane Crash, Schumer Fought Alongside Families Of Flight 3407 Victims To Create Critical Flight Safety Regulations, Including Requirement That Pilots Log 1,500 Flight Hours In Order To Receive Certificate And Pilot Record Database 

Since The Rule Was Enacted There Has Not Been A Fatal Crash On A U.S. Airline, But Special Interests Were Pushing To Reduce The Safety Measures, Prompting Schumer To Launch All Out Push To Stop Any Roll Back 

Schumer: Today Special Interests Lost And The Air Safety Provisions Fought For By the Flight 3407 Families Will Remain Strong To Keep Our Skies Safe

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), long-time, relentless advocates for air safety standards, who for years worked together with the families of those lost in the tragic February 2009 crash of Colgan Air Flight 3407  near Buffalo, New York, today released the following statement after the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) denied the request by Republic Airways to rollback safety regulations fought for by the Flight 3407 families:

“Today special interests lost and the strong safety regulations fought for by the Flight 3407 families remain strong and will continue to save lives keeping our skies safe. Since these safety laws were enacted, not a single major U.S. airline has had a fatal crash, and I will never let us turn back the clock. Time after time, the 3407 family members work tirelessly to beat back industry’s effort to roll back safety standards, and I am proud to have stood with them shoulder to shoulder to beat back this latest attempt. We must always remain constantly vigilant to stop special interests from getting their way, but today the aviation reforms which carry with them the memory of those lost in Flight 3407 continues to burn bright.”
