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Fort Drum is Among 13 Finalists for the Army’s New Multi-Domain Task Force To Become Central Site For Addressing New Global Threats

Schumer Called Army Secretary Personally To Boost Fort Drum, Citing Its Superior Infrastructure And Mission Readiness, & Bring Major Investment To The North Country 

Schumer To DoD: Fort Drum Is Ready To Lead America In Combatting Emerging Global Threats 

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer doubled down on his advocacy for the U.S. Army to select Fort Drum as the site of its new Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) to combat emerging national security threats and competition from major powers like China as well as from Russia.

Schumer personally called the Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth to highlight how Fort Drum and the North Country, with their superb military facilities, tight knit community and top notch infrastructure, are uniquely positioned to lead the mission in protecting our national security. The MDTF, if hosted at Fort Drum, would add 3,000 more soldiers on base, millions of dollars in new infrastructure investment, dozens of new good-paying civilian jobs, and support the long-term stability of the base.

“Fort Drum is one of the most sophisticated Army bases in the United States, and has the facilities and capabilities that make it best-in-class to become home to the Army’s new Multi-Domain Task Force,” said Senator Schumer. “That is why I personally called Army Secretary Wormuth to make it clear that there is no better site for the Army to secure the future of our national security than in the heart of the North Country.”

On the call, Schumer explained how Fort Drum has some of the best infrastructure and mission ready resources in the nation which make it uniquely prepared to host the MDTF. The base is host to the Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield, which serves as the primary departure airfield for the 10th Mountain Division and provides support to military forces at Fort Drum training for international contingency operations.

Schumer has also worked for years to deliver major federal investment to enhance the bases capabilities for new opportunities like the MDTF. Schumer fought for years, personally calling the former Army Secretary, Defense Secretary and Army Chief Of Staff to deliver over $27 million in federal funding to construct a new railhead at Fort Drum, a top priority for the base. The senator also delivered over $21 million for a new Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Hangar at Fort Drum. Most recently, Schumer also secured $27 million for Fort Drum in the FY22 omnibus to replace the base’s existing water supply that was vulnerable to multiple forms of contamination, requiring Fort Drum to purchase half of its water supply from a municipal source. The funding secured by the senator will provide a safe, secure water supply for 35,000 soldiers and civilians serving at the base for years to come.

A copy of Schumer’s original letter of support to Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth appears below:

Dear Secretary Wormuth:

Earlier this month, the United States Army released a candidate list of thirteen installations, including the Fort Drum military base in Jefferson County, New York, to be considered for the stationing of the Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF). This is a critical opportunity to allow the Army fulfill the objectives of the National Defense Strategy, and thus I appreciate the careful consideration you will give to the choice of base.

I write to encourage you to select Fort Drum, given the base's distinct combination of operational, personnel, and support capacity, and tight-knit community that make it the ideal location to host the MDTF.

Fort Drum is one of the most sophisticated Army bases in the United States, and possesses all the facilities and resources that make it best-in-class to support MDTF operations. The base is host to the Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield, which serves as the primary departure airfield for the 10th Mountain Division and provides support to military forces at Fort Drum training for international contingency operations, including the 20th Air Support Operations Squadron. Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield additionally functions as a Power Projection Platform capability for the Army, allowing the deployment of forces from several dispersed locations to respond to crises and boost regional stability. The recent infrastructure investments that I helped secure at Fort Drum particularly devised to enhance deployable readiness-such as a railhead extension and additional unmanned vehicle hangar-have made a base that is already one of the most elite Army training and deployment locations even more capable of supporting the Army's objectives.

Furthermore, Fort Drum is home to skilled and experienced personnel, and is situated in a region that prioritizes the base and the welfare of its personnel and their families. The base supports more than 25,000 jobs and has a demonstrated track record for recruiting trained Army personnel from the robust network in our communities.

North Country communities have strived tirelessly to ensure that the healthcare, education and housing needs of the military families coming to Fort Drum are fully served. It is an affordable region where families have access to exceptional college opportunities and military spouses are able to seek and obtain employment. Advocate Drum is one of the most active community groups whose sole focus is to support the base.

Finally, Fort Drum's close proximity to several airports in Watertown, Syracuse and New York State with frequent connections to the country's largest international airports make the base easily accessible for the Army's mobility and logistical needs.

For all of these reasons, I urge you to select Fort Drum for the Multi-Domain Task Force. I appreciate your attention to this important matter and look forward to your response.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office with any questions.

