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In The Wake of Press Reports That Trudeau Institute Is Considering Leaving Region, Schumer Calls Director Dr. David Woodland

Pledges Assistance In Connecting Trudeau With Clinical Facilities To Expand Research Capabilities

Schumer: Trudeau Institute Is Critical To Economy Of The Adirondacks

Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that he has personally called Trudeau Institute's Dr. David Woodland, urging him and the Board of Directors to keep the Institute right where it is, in Franklin County. On the call Schumer pledged his assistance in establishing partnerships with other New York State clinical research programs to help Trudeau expand its research capabilities for the future. The Trudeau Institute is a leading research facility in infectious diseases that employs 134 people in the Adirondack region.
Dr. Woodland said that no decisions have yet been made. 
"For 126 years, the Trudeau Institute has been a pioneer and leading research facility in the field of infectious diseases," said Schumer. "During that time they've done research to help families avoid getting sick and to make our men and women serving in uniform safer - all while employing hundreds of New Yorkers. Trudeau has accomplished all of this from Saranac Lake and I am committed to doing everything I can to keep this leading facility and economic engine right here in the Adirondacks."
"I appreciate Senator Schumer's interest in keeping the Trudeau Institute in Saranac Lake," said Saranac Lake Mayor Clyde Rabideau. "As a statewide elected official, the Senator might be pivotal in helping to forge linkages with some of our state's other great R&D facilities that could help Trudeau grow right here in the Adirondacks."
The Trudeau Institute was founded by the Trudeau family in Saranac Lake over 126 years ago, and several family members continue to serve on its board. The facility sits on 42 acres in Saranac Lake and its research and support facilities total over 90,000 square feet. Trudeau is primarily focused on the eradication of infectious and inflammatory diseases, with research directed towards the development of vaccines and other immunebased therapeutics.
Schumer's call to Dr. Woodland comes as the media has reported that the Institute considers moving its facility out of state. The Trudeau Institute is currently undergoing a strategic planning review to determine the best path forward for future growth. During the call, Schumer offered to help the Trudeau Institute establish new partnerships with clinical research programs in New York City or Upstate clinics in order to expand the Institute's research capabilities, and keep the Institute in place. Schumer stressed the importance of the facility to the local economy and noted that the beauty of the natural surroundings in the Adirondacks have proven to be a terrific resource in attracting the research talent that has been integral to Trudeau's success. He also offered his assistance in securing future National Institute of Health grants in the field of infectious diseases.