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Schumer Releases First Ever Report Card of New Airline: High Ridership, Minimal Delays, Zero Cancellations Highlight Spectacular First Quarter
Strong Initial Data from New NY Airline Bodes Well for Buffalo, other Upstate Cities

JetBlue Airway's initial three months in operation were immensely successful, according to Senator Charles E. Schumer (DNY) who obtained flight and performance data, much of which the airline is required to submit to the Department of Transportation (DOT).

"JetBlue is off to a blockbuster start that far exceeds even the high expectations that they have set for themselves," said Schumer. "This is tremendous news for Buffalo which is at the heart of JetBlue's operations and for Syracuse and Rochester which will soon be served by the airline. This is the elixir Upstate needs to jumpstart the economy."

According to Schumer, JetBlue served 129,408 passengers beginning with its inaugural flight on February 11 and concluding with its 1,144   th   flight on April 30. On the 420 flights between Buffalo and New York City, 67% of the available seats were sold considered by industry experts to be a healthy load level. On all of its flights, including those to Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale, JetBlue averaged 71% of capacity.

In addition to strong demand, not a single JetBlue flight to any destination was canceled and 82% of the airline's flights to Buffalo were ontime. (DOT considers flights that arrive within 14 minutes of their expected time to be ontime.) Schumer called this ontime performance extraordinary for an airline serving New York in the winter and early spring months.

"This proves beyond doubt that an airline that provides quality, affordable service to Upstate New York is destined to succeed, and it means that JetBlue's commitment to Syracuse and Rochester is well founded," said Schumer adding, "JetBlue is heading into the black and attracting new Upstate businesses in its wake."

"Business travelers are excited by the opportunity to catch an affordable, convenient flight to New York City. It will cut costs to existing Upstate businesses and help attract new ones that have been lured to other cities where airfares have been much lower than ours," Schumer said.

JetBlue intends on adding two additional flights between Buffalo and New York this summer and has promised to begin serving both Rochester and Syracuse by August, 2001. The airline expects to announce its next Upstate destination next week.

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