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Norsk’s Innovative Increased Additive Manufacturing Will Employ 100s Of People In Coming Years And Bolster North Country Economy

Schumer: This Provision Is A Win-Win For North County Workers And Our Military

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer today announced he was successful in including provisions to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would require the Department of Defense (DoD) to develop and improve additive manufacturing. Schumer said this would greatly benefit Norsk Titanium.  Norsk’s unique technology will allow them to grow and employ hundreds of people in the North Country in the coming years.  Earlier this year, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik placed similar language into the House of Representatives’ version of the NDAA bill.

“Last month I visited Norsk Titanium and learned about their amazing, cutting edge, additive manufacturing.  They are already saving time and money in the building of commercial aircraft parts and I believe they could do the same for our military. Even better, they can do it right here in the North Country; providing hundreds of jobs for years to come,” said Senator Schumer. “I am proud to have fought to secure this vital provision in the this year’s NDAA, and will continue to go to bat for New York workers and families.”

"This is a great opportunity for the Department of Defense to evaluate Norsk Titanium's FAA Approved Rapid Plasma Deposition 3D Printing, and leverage the investment both Norsk and New York State have made in this game changing technology" said Warren Boley, President and CEO of Norsk Titanium.

"Senator Schumer really came through for us on this, teeing up a whole range of future possibilities for Norsk Titanium and its Plattsburgh operations," states Garry Douglas, President of the North Country Chamber of Commerce.  "Just a few weeks ago, the Senator visited Norsk and pledged to get the language into the Senate Defense Bill that we were seeking, and he went back and accomplished it. Together with the language in the House bill secured by Congresswoman Stefanik, we can now be confident that the Defense Department will be undertaking a meaningful assessment of additive manufacturing technology in the coming year, including Norsk, and with the efficiencies and cost savings they will see, it's hard to imagine that defense related work will not become a reality."

Norsk’s Additive Manufacturing technology is used to produce parts for Boeing for their state of the art Dreamliner 787s. This legislation directs the Defense Department to report to Congress on 3D printing technology and begin to discuss the tremendous potential for Additive Manufacturing to be integrated into our military’s procurement of aviation parts and a host of other uses.
