Schumer Announces Key Senate Panel Approves $215,000 For Oneida County Gang Task Force
Funding Would Allow Task Force to Acquire Information Sharing Database to Help Analyze Gang-Related Crime Schumer Worked with Committee to Include Funding In FY2009 Spending Bill Bill Will Now Be Sent To The Senate Floor
U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced that the full Senate Appropriations Committee has approved the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies FY09 Appropriations Bill which includes $215,000 for the Oneida County Gang Task Force. The funding will be used to acquire an information sharing database to timely and accurately analyze gang related crime. The bill will now proceed to the Senate Floor as the next step in the appropriations process. Schumer worked closely with members of the Appropriations Committee to include funding for the project in this year's spending bill.
"This is great news for communities throughout Oneida County," said Schumer. "Public safety is job number one and the Oneida County Gang Task Force works tirelessly to keep the streets and neighborhoods of Central New York safe for our children and families. These federal dollars will ensure they're able to continue their terrific work. Most importantly, the kind of information sharing database this money would help secure means that citizens and law enforcement officials in cities and towns across Oneida County will be able to work together and form partnerships to rid our local streets of gangrelated crime."
The Oneida County Gang Task Force Initiative's fundamental element is the acquisition of a multiple countywide information sharing database to timely and accurately analyze gang related crime including gun trafficking, drug sales, armed robbery and homicides. This infrastructure will encourage active partnerships among central New York counties with emphasis on its major cities and help develop effective strategies to enable law enforcement to become proactive and predictive in nature. This will include the full spectrum of the criminal justice system from first responders to prosecutors. Gang database modules would include crime mapping, link analysis and visualization.
Now that the bill has been approved by the full Senate Appropriations Committee, it will be sent to the Senate floor. Following approval by the Senate, the bill will move towards Conference with the House and then to the President for signature.
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