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Schumer Announces Key Senate Panel Approves $300,000 For Critical Flood Mitigation Study For Parts Of Flood-Stricken Southern Tier

Funding Would Aid in the Construction and Design of a Watershed Management Study to Curb Devastating Flooding Across Southern Tier Schumer Worked Closely with Committee to Include Funding In FY2009 Spending Bil Bill will now be sent to the Senate Floor

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced the full Senate Appropriations Committee has approved the Energy and Water FY09 Appropriations Bill which includes $300,000 for the Army Corps of Engineers to be used for Upper Delaware River Watershed Management The funding would be used to design and construct a comprehensive watershed management study to support flood mitigation efforts across the Southern Tier. The bill will now proceed to the Senate Floor as the next step in the appropriations process.  Schumer worked closely with members of the Appropriations Committee to include funding for the project in this year's spending bill.


 "This is terrific news for Southern Tier," said Schumer.  "The devastating floods that have recently swept the Midwest served as an abrupt wake up call to the rest of the nation, showing the country what residents across the Southern Tier have known for yearsthat we have to get serious about our flood mitigation efforts. By implementing this kind of watershed management plan, our communities are taking proactive measures that will save us all countless dollars in the long run, and I will fight toothandnail to see this funding through the appropriations process."

The federal dollars will be used to develop a comprehensive watershed management study in consultation with potential nonFederal sponsors and stakeholders. The plan could include flood mitigation and ecosystem restoration projects, including bank stabilization, wetland restoration, soil and water conservation, and flood damage reduction.


Now that the bill has been approved by the full Senate Appropriations Committee, it will be sent to the Senate floor. Following approval by the Senate, the bill will move towards Conference with the House and then to the President for signature.


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