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Corning Is One Of Only A Handful Of Companies That Manufacture Diesel Particulate Filters- Potential For Local Economic Growth Is Enormous

In 2005 Congress Passed Bipartisan Clean Diesel Emissions Reduction Act To Help School Districts, Farmers Associations And Other Not-For Profits Buy Devices To Reduce Diesel Emissions - Program Massively Underfunded

Schumer Will Join 18 Of His Colleagues To Fight For Funding For Program And Urge Usage Of Funds Directed To Investments Th

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U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced he has joined 18 of his colleagues in making a new push to fund the Clean Diesel Emissions Reduction program, created by Congress in 2005.  Schumer said the program, which provides funding to purchase equipment to reduce emissions from dieselpowered vehicles, has the potential to create hundreds of local jobs, but the program has been drastically underfunded.  Corning Incorporated is one of only a handful of companies that produces the technology for this equipment.  Schumer also announced that he will be urging the EPA to target funding to products that can be added after a car or truck is already built - know as aftertreatment products.  Not only is this an extremely effective technology, but it is also the technology that could be a big job creator in Corning and across the country.


"Funding clean diesel programs would provide a huge shot in the arm to the Corning economy just when it is needed most, and be a winwin both for the country and for the region," said Schumer.  "We have a huge opportunity here both to spur economic development and help improve air quality everywhere, and we should not let the train leave the station without us.  That is why I am urging the EPA to target funding to the Diesel Particulate Filters, because increased production will generate jobs in Corning and other manufacturing plants across the country."


"This is a smart investment that can create new jobs, rebuild our economy and protect our environment," Senator Gillibrand said. "By giving states the resources they need to make all diesel vehicles more efficient - we can cut a significant amount of emissions, create new jobs right here at home, save on energy costs, and spur new economic growth in every corner of America.  Corning is the leader in diesel emission reduction technologies and these funds will help to continue that rich tradition of green technology development."


In 2005, the Diesel Emissions Reductions Act (DERA) was enacted as part of the larger energy bill with overwhelming bipartisan support. Its purpose was to authorize funding over five years to finance the installation of retrofits on existing heavyduty diesel vehicles and engines, thereby reducing their harmful emissions by as much as 90 percent.  


Diesel emissions can contribute to serious respiratory and cardiovascular problems, even death. Diesel emissions are also potentially a potent global warming agent and reducing diesel emissions may be one of the most significant actions that can be taken in the short term to address global warming.


Since enactment, DERA has been successful from an economic and public health perspective in reducing diesel emissions. Every state in the nation now has a diesel retrofit program and can use DERA funding. The EPA has estimated that for every dollar spent in the DERA program, more than $13 of economic and health benefits are generated.


Despite the success of DERA, the program is massively underfunded even though states are clamoring for funds and are ready to put them to use immediately. DERA was authorized for $1 billion between FY07FY11, but only $470 million of these funds have been appropriated, including funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


Over the past year, the EPA has received over 600 applications totaling nearly $2 billion in requests for DERA funding to implement diesel emission reduction, demonstrating the need for additional funding for equipment. 


Schumer said today that funding for DERA included in the upcoming jobs package could help drive significant job creation and economic growth. A study supported by the DERA Coalition,  estimates that a $1 billion investment in the DERA program will save or create over 19,000 jobs and generate over $3 billion in additional economic output. The economic benefits are likely to be greatest in the auto supply manufacturing and heavyduty truck manufacturing sectors.


The EPA estimates approximately 60% of the remaining unawarded applications, totaling approximately $1 billion in federal funds requested, could be used to purchase equipment and technology to reduce emissions across the country.


Schumer noted that in order to get the most bang for the buck, the funding should be spent on technology that will decrease emissions and spur job growth all at the same time.  The Corning Inc. Ceramics Plant in Erwin manufactures Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) which are devices designed to remove diesel particulate matter (or soot) from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine. Studies show that using Diesel Particulate Filters are not only the most effective technology available but are also a technology that can create jobs in Steuben County and across the country.


Today, Schumer urged Congress to include funding for the DERA program in the potential legislation to spur job growth and called on the EPA to target funding to the aftertreatment, including Diesel Particulate Filters.


Funding the manufacture of Diesel Particulate Filters would be a winwin for Corning and the country because they can simultaneously reduce diesel emissions and sustain jobs in the manufacturing sector.


 Schumer said, "Funding the DERA program is a smart investment in our nation's energy future that will spur economic development and job growth. At a time when our country is looking for ways to quickly create jobs and clean the environment, DERA stands out as a prime example of a program that works because it will save and create jobs and significantly improve our nation's air quality."