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Funding Will Provide Education and Training to Teach Skills Necessary to Become Successful Member of WorkForce and Community

Today, United States Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that Nubian Directions II, Inc. in Poughkeepsie will receive $283,500 in YouthBuild Grant funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and FY 2009 funding. The funding will be used to provide education and training to disadvantaged young people. This training will include the education and employment skills necessary to achieve economic selfsufficiency in occupations in high demand and postsecondary education and training opportunities, opportunities for meaningful work and service to their communities, and opportunities to develop employment and leadership skills and a commitment to community development among our youth. 

"In these economic times, funding for education and job creation is a top priority," said Schumer.  "There are few things more valuable than educational funding that directly prepares young people to be active, accomplished and successful members of the workforce.  Training and service opportunities like the ones that will be provided by these YouthBuild Grants are of the utmost importance in building strong communities, a strong economy and a strong workforce."

 Nubian Directions II, Inc. is a notforprofit 501(c) 3 communitybased organization formed for the purpose of 1) promoting health awareness, including preventative and alternative selfhelp methods of health care, among all people, individuals, and families and 2) working collaboratively with communitybased organizations, schools, churches, civic groups, and private/public health agencies to promote health awareness and community development.

YouthBuild provides job training and educational opportunities for atrisk youth ages 1624 while tapping into their energies and talents to construct or rehabilitate affordable housing for lowincome or homeless families in their own neighborhoods. These youths split their time between the construction site and the classroom, where they earn their GED or high school diploma, learn to be community leaders and prepare for college and other postsecondary training opportunities. YouthBuild includes significant support systems, such as a mentoring, followup education, employment, personal counseling services and participation in community service and civic engagement-all provided with the end goal of nurturing the highdemand occupational skills needed to succeed in today's global economy.