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US Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced that two Rochester agencies have received a total of over $500,000 in funding under the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fair Housing Initiatives Program. The Housing Council in the Monroe County Area and the Monroe County Legal Assistance Corporation will use the funding to develop educational and outreach programs and implement testing and other enforcement programs to prevent and eliminate discrimination in housing.

"These funds will help ensure that all residents of Rochester and the entire Southern Tier are granted fair treatment in finding housing," said Schumer. "I am delighted to announce this funding, which will aid these agencies in rooting out discrimination."

The two FHIP grant recipients in Rochester are:

The Monroe County Legal Assistance Corporation  was awarded $382,070 under the FHIP Private Enforcement Initiative/Multi Year General Component to reduce illegal discrimination in housing transactions and prevent future fair housing discrimination in Monroe County.

The Housing Council in the Monroe County Area, Inc.,  was awarded $130,000 under the FHIP Education and Outreach Initiative/Homeownership Component to conduct workshops on housing opportunity in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and other languages.

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