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Schumer, Clinton: New York To Receive $25 Million In Security Funding For Republican Convention

Washington, DC Senators Charles E. Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton today announced that New York would receive an additional $25 million in funds to reimburse the city for security costs associated with the Republican National Convention. The legislation was included in the FY 2005 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill which was passed by the U.S. Congress late last night and now heads to the President for his signature. The money will be available as soon as the bill becomes law.

"We have to make sure New Yorkers are protected when the convention comes to town. This money is going to help the city put more police and first responders on the streets, and I'm glad we were able to provide funding so that the city can meet its heightened security needs this August," Schumer said. "This extra $25 million for New York and for Boston is going to make a big difference for both cities and ensure safe conventions for both parties."

Our first responders work hard every day to ensure our safety and security and during the Democratic and Republican Conventions they are going to be called on to do even more, Senator Clinton said. As a short term solution, I am pleased that, along with Senators Kennedy and Kerry, we were able to do this to help our cities defray the cost of their additional homeland security needs. In the long term however, we need to do much more to ensure that our local communities, states, and first responders get the critical homeland security resources they so desperately need.

The funding was part of $100 million in total which will be split equally between New York and Boston to help cover convention security costs. The Senators obtained $50 million in last year's omnibus, and this year obtained an additional $50 million in the Department of Defense Appropriations bill that passed last night. Specifically, the money was made available under the Office of Justice ProgramsState and Local Law Enforcement Assistance for discretionary grants under the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Programs for reimbursement to State and local law enforcement entities. The funding will pay for security and related costs, including overtime, associated with the 2004 nominating conventions.

With Senator Edward Kennedys leadership, Senators John Kerry of Massachusetts and Senators Schumer and Clinton sponsored an Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill to secure these funds as quickly as possible.

Reports indicate that the New York polices estimate of security costs for the four days of their convention is about $76 million.