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Lundine's Work as Mayor Put Jamestown on the Map as a Model for Labor-Management Cooperation

As Lt. Gov and Congressman, Lundine Was Devoted to Critical Issues Such As Housing, Economic Development, Technology and Job Training

Washington , D.C. - Senators Charles E. Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton announced today they are pushing for passage of legislation to have the United States Post Office in Jamestown, NY designated as "Stan Lundine Post Office Building," in honor of Stanley Nelson Lundine, former Mayor of Jamestown, New York Lt. Governor and United Stated Representative. The legislation, H.R. 6226 was introduced by U.S. Representative Brian Higgins who secured passage by the House of Representatives on July 23, 2008. 


To ensure passage of the bill in the Senate, Senators Schumer and Clinton wrote a letter to Chairman Carper and Ranking Member Coburn of the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management urging them to consider passage of the bill , the next critical step in moving the legislation forward.  


"Stan Lundine is a model public servant and stayed true to his Jamestown roots as he went on to great things as Lieutenant Governor and U.S. Representative. Stan showed, and continues to show, incredible dedication to help the average person via such important issues as housing and economic development. Naming the Jamestown Post Office is a fitting tribute to an exemplary public servant who continues to dedicate his life to his community," said Schumer, who noted that Lundine is also a member of the Board of the worldfamous Chautauqua Institute.  


"A proud son of Jamestown, Stan Lundine has shown us all what it means to live a life dedicated to public service," said Senator Clinton. "As Mayor of Jamestown, a member of congress, and as Lieutenant Governor, Stan focused on concerns like labor, housing and job training - issues that touched the everyday lives of the people he was elected to serve. By naming the Jamestown Post Office after Stan Lundine it is my sincere hope that we can honor a man who has given so much, and who continues to be an advocate for the people of New York."


Schumer and Clinton wrote in their letter, "Stan Lundine was a dedicated public servant throughout his many years in office.  Now, even out of office, he continues to be a steadfast advocate for his community.  H.R. 6226 was passed by the House of Representatives on July 23, 2008.  Passage by the Senate would be a fitting tribute to Stan's lifelong commitment to serve his constituents and his community."


 A full copy of the letter is below:



Dear Chairman Carper and Ranking Member Coburn:


We  write in support of H.R. 6226, a bill to designate the United States Postal Service facility located at 300 East 3rd Street in Jamestown, New York, as the "Stan Lundine Post Office Building," and to encourage its consideration in the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management.


Stanley Nelson Lundine was born February 4, 1939 and grew up in Jamestown, NY.  He went on to serve his community as Mayor of Jamestown, a United States Representative, and Lieutenant Governor of New York.  While Stan was Mayor of Jamestown (197076), his work implementing a labor management strategy ended longrunning labor conflicts.  Thanks to his work, Jamestown gained national attention as a model for labor/management cooperation.  As a Congressman from 19761987, he focused on finance, banking and economic development policy, and was a subcommittee chairman on the House Banking Committee.  Stan played an instrumental role in developing legislation that created labor/management councils and employee stock ownership plans.  In 1986, he became Lieutenant Governor of New York under Governor Mario Cuomo, where he devoted his service to addressing critical issues such as housing, economic development, technology, and job training programs.


Stan graduated from Duke University in 1961 and from the New York University School of Law in 1964. He is currently a member of the vestry of St. Luke's Episcopal Church and serves on the Boards of Directors for several notforprofit organizations, including the Chautauqua Institution, the Robert H. Jackson Center and the Fredonia College Foundation.


Stan Lundine was a dedicated public servant throughout his many years in office.  Now, even out of office, he continues to be a steadfast advocate for his community.  H.R. 6226 was passed by the House of Representatives on July 23, 2008.  Passage by the Senate would be a fitting tribute to Stan's lifelong commitment to serve his constituents and his community. Thank you for your consideration of this legislation.




Senator Charles Schumer

Senator Hillary Roham Clinton