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Mark Kindschuh, a Student From Bay Ridge, Was At London’s Borough Market During the June 3rd Terror Attack; Rather Than Hide from the Attackers, Mark Risked His Life to Tend to a Man Who Was Severely Bleeding; Lawmakers Say His Actions Ultimately Saved the Man’s Life

Earlier This Summer, Schumer, Donovan Recommended Mark Kindschuh for Army’s Highest ROTC Medal

Schumer, Donovan: Kindschuh Ran Towards Danger—Not Away From It & Is Deserving of  This Great Honor

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer and Congressman Dan Donovan today announced that, after their recommendation, Brooklynite Mark Kindschuh will be awarded the ROTC’s Medal of Heroism. Mark, an ROTC cadet, did a summer term abroad in London and was at Borough Market with friends when the June 3rd terror attack took place. During the attack, Mark risked his own life to save the life of a complete stranger who was in desperate need of medical attention. Mark previously worked as a lifeguard and used his emergency training skills to help the man, who was bleeding from his head. Mark’s quick thinking, courage and bravery saved the man’s life. In July, Schumer and Donovan praised Mark’s lifesaving efforts and in a letter to the U.S. Army said that, as an ROTC cadet, he is most deserving of the Medal of Heroism.

“On behalf of all New Yorkers, I want to congratulate ROTC Cadet Mark Kindschuh for being awarded the ROTC Medal of Heroism,” said Senator Schumer. “During the tragic London attack, ROTC Cadet Mark Kindschuh showcased immense heroism by running towards the danger, not away from it, to save the life of a complete stranger and because his actions, that man is alive today. I am proud to have recommended ROTC Cadet Mark Kindschuh for this award and look forward to his future successes in the military.”

“I’m so proud to represent this young man in Congress. His bravery and selflessness serve an example to us all. I’m sure the ROTC Medal of Heroism he courageously earned is just the beginning of a bright and impactful career of service to our country. Thank you, Mark,” said Rep. Donovan.

Mark Kindschuh, a 19-year old Boston College student from Bay Ridge, was at a pub in London’s Borough Market during the June 3rd terror attack. While in hiding, Mark noticed a man lying in a pool of blood. Without hesitation, Mark left his hiding space to help the man and noticed that the bleeding was coming from a wound in the back of the man’s head. Mark quickly took off his belt and wrapped it around the man’s head to stop the bleeding. Mark then ran outside the pub in search of more medical help at the very same time that the police were shooting the attackers. The lawmakers said that Mark risked his own life to help a complete stranger and his actions ultimately saved the man’s life.  

The U.S. Army Medal of Heroism is a U.S. military decoration awarded by the Department of the Army to an ROTC cadet who performs an act of heroism. The achievement must be an accomplishment so exceptional and outstanding that it sets the individual apart from fellow students. The performance must have involved the acceptance of danger and extraordinary responsibilities, exemplifying praiseworthy fortitude and courage. The Medal of Heroism is the highest Department of the Army medal awarded to ROTC cadets.

In a letter, Major General Christopher P. Hughes of the U.S. Army said: “Cadet Kindschuh’s heroic actions on that day represent the best of what the Army looks for in the men and women who volunteer to become part of the Army ROTC.”

A copy of Schumer’s and Donovan’s recommendation letter is below:

The Honorable Robert M. Speer

Acting Secretary of the Army

1400 Defense Pentagon

Washington, D.C. 20301-1400

Dear Acting Secretary Speer:

We are pleased to write today in support of awarding Mark Kindschuh, the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Medal for Heroism. 

Mark Kindschuh, 19, of Brooklyn, New York is a student and ROTC cadet at Boston College. On June 3rd, 2017, the night of the London Bridge terrorist attack, Mark was with his classmates inside a pub in Borough Market when the chaos broke out and dozens of people ran into the pub for safety. While taking refuge with the other patrons, Mark noticed a man lying in the center of the pub bleeding profusely. Without hesitation, Mark ran to the victim and immediately began to administer first aid. He attempted to stop the bleeding with direct pressure, at first using his bare hands. After being assisted by another individual, Mark was able to wrap his belt around the wound. Mark then ran outside the pub to call for assistance at the same moment police were firing upon the three attackers. 

The ROTC Medal for Heroism is awarded by the Department of the Army to a ROTC cadet who performs an act of heroism. The achievement must be an accomplishment so exceptional and outstanding that it sets the individual apart from fellow students. The performance must have involved the acceptance of danger and extraordinary responsibilities, exemplifying praiseworthy fortitude and courage. The Medal of Heroism is the highest Department of Army medal awarded to ROTC cadets.

We can think of no other individual who would be more highly suited for this award than Mark Kindschuh. His aforementioned actions, performed under great duress and demonstrating the utmost selflessness should be celebrated. It is our hope that the Department of the Army will recognize and reward his heroic deed.

Thank you for your attention to this issue. We ask that you give this recommendation your full consideration. Should you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact our offices. 
