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Schumer Floor Remarks on the Virginia Shooting

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today delivered remarks on the Senate floor regarding the shooting this morning at a charity baseball game practice in Alexandria, Virginia involving Rep. Steve Scalise, Capitol Police officers and Congressional aides. Below are his remarks: 

I join with the Majority Leader in offering our prayers for those who were injured. 

I was absolutely shaken by the news of a shooting early this morning at the baseball field in Alexandria where many of my friends and colleagues were practicing for the annual congressional baseball game; an event that brings us together each year.

It’s been reported that Representative Scalise, the House Whip, was shot during the attack, as were two brave members of the Capitol Police force and others, including a staffer. Let us pray that they -- and any others who were injured -- are able to recover quickly.                                                          

This morning is the most sobering a reminder of how thankful we should be for the service of the Capitol Police force, who put their lives on the line day-in and day-out for us to be safe. I could not be more grateful that Capitol Police were there at the time to prevent this attack from being any worse than it was. I was with Senator Paul in the gym, who had been there, and he told me had these two Capitol Police officers who were part of Congressman Scalise’s detail not been there it might have been a massacre cause there would have been no one to respond. Their bravery is exemplary of all Capitol Police force and we thank them.

The entire Senate family sends its thoughts and prayers to those who were wounded and our gratitude to the police officers and first responders who were at the scene.
