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Grant Will Be Used To Advance Analytics In Educational Development

U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Richard Hanna today announced $2,226,635 in federal funding over five years for Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) in Oneida County. This funding was allocated through the Department of Education’s Strengthening Institutions Program. The Mohawk Valley Community College will use this grant to support the Pathway to Graduation Project to introduce new initiatives to increase student success rates while in college through analytical research. The installment for the first budget period is $440,546.

The MVCC Pathways to Graduation Project will include the use of analytics from admission, to identify the most at-risk students and provide support services to struggling students in their studies. This includes the hiring of “Completion Coaches” who will serve as the point of contact for students in need of assistance. Further use of analytics will allow Mohawk Valley Community College to receive early alerts for any current student showing signs of falling behind. 

The faculty of MVCC will also redesign 18 of their most highly enrolled gateway courses to include toolkits for faculty and students; and build a Learning Commons designated for tutoring, advising, counseling and study.

“This significant federal investment is great news for MVCC, showing its true commitment to excellence and to constantly improving its programs for students. This funding will allow MVCC to improve its Pathway to Graduation Project program, which aims to increase overall academic performance and graduation rates as it prepares students to pursue high-skilled careers in analytical research,” said Senator Schumer. “This grant will ultimately help MVCC best prepare students for the work force while they are on campus and provide them the skills needed to succeed after graduation.”

“This critical federal funding through the Department of Education will allow Mohawk Valley Community College to invest in additional resources to assist current students,” said Senator Gillibrand. “By incorporating analytics, faculty and professors are able to support students every step of the way leading to a well-trained workforce equipped with the skills needed for employment.”

“I am pleased to support this federal grant to help MVCC improve the quality of its programs and enhance retention rates,” said Congressman Hanna. “This funding will allow MVCC to more effectively serve one of the largest low-income student populations of any community college in New York by utilizing new analytical tools and implementing innovative institutional management structures. I congratulate President VanWagoner and MVCC for this tremendous award. I know it will be put to good use to help educate our next generation at one of New York’s premiere community colleges.”

“Mohawk Valley Community College is extraordinarily proud to be the recipient of the Title III Grant to support our Pathway to Graduation Project,” said Maryrose Eannace, Ph.D. Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs of Mohawk Valley Community College. “We are grateful and elated for this funding that will allow us to provide academic success services and strategies for our most at-risk students.  We appreciate the support of our representatives to create a stronger success pathway for all of our students. As the community’s college, MVCC is committed to student success; this Title III grant allows us to bring greater strength than ever before to our mission.”

The Department of Education’s Strengthening Institutions Program helps eligible institutes of higher education to become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of eligible institutions. Funds may be used for planning, faculty development, and establishing endowment funds. Administrative management, and the development and improvement of academic programs also are supported. Other projects include joint use of instructional facilities, construction and maintenance, and student service programs designed to improve academic success, including innovative, customized, instruction courses designed to help retain students and move the students rapidly into core courses and through program completion, which may include remedial education and English language instruction.
