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In Letter To OMB & Army Corps, Schumer & Gillibrand Pushed To Fully Fund The Jamaica Bay Stony Creek Marsh Island Project; OMB & USACE Then Included The Funding In Their 2023 Work Plan

Vital Funding Will Be Used For Design & Construction Work

Today U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand announced $18.61 million in funding they secured for the Jamaica Bay Stony Creek Marsh Island restoration in the 2023 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) Army Corps Work Plan. With this funding, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can begin final design and construction of the marsh island in Jamaica Bay.

“Projects like Jamaica Bay’s Stony Creek Marsh are designed to protect our communities from flooding, preserve our shorelines and help restore New York’s precious water ecosystems,” said Senator Schumer. “I am proud we secured funding for this vital project that will help restore Jamaica Bay’s marshland, spur important habitats, help clean waterways, and better protect the communities of Southern Brooklyn and Queens from future extreme weather.”

“Environmental justice and sustainable developments are critically important to the future of our communities and I’m proud to have helped secure funds for the Jamaica Bay Stony Creek Marsh Island,” said U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. “The restoration of Jamaica Bay Stony Creek Marsh Island is important for the future of New York City—it will not only help protect our shorelines from extreme weather but will also help keep our waterways clean.”

“This is a huge victory for all of us in the Jamaica Bay community. We have been working to make sure that Jamaica Bay stays the jewel of New York City and by Senators Schumer and Gillibrand honoring their commitment, they have brought this project to the finish line and deserve the highest level of praise and thanks. This investment restores and sets up protections for the Bay, not just for now, but for the future generations by ensuring that the Bay and our environment continue to flourish,” said Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato

“Thanks to the leadership of Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, Jamaica Bay’s Stony Creek Marsh will soon be restored, providing critical habitat while protecting shoreline communities around Jamaica Bay from extreme weather,” said Tom Secunda, Chair, Jamaica Bay-Rockaway Parks Conservancy. “This historic investment in our environment shows how advocates, public-private partnerships and elected officials can work together to bring transformative projects to life. The Jamaica Bay-Rockaway Parks Conservancy looks forward to working together to continue restoring Jamaica Bay’s marshes and enhance parkland for visitors and wildlife."

"The Jamaica Bay Ecowatchers want to commend Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand for securing this funding which will allow for the construction of this wetland island which is so critical to the ecology of this Estuary. Jamaica Bay is an amazing natural resource and perhaps the most important urban National Park in the country. We have made great strides in recent years in restoring the health of the Bay and this funding will allow that great work to continue and will ensure that this amazing natural resource will be here for future generations to enjoy,” said Dan Mundy, Jr., President, Jamaica Bay Ecowatchers.

Schumer previously secured $300,000 for the Stony Creek Marsh Island restoration project in the Omnibus Appropriations Agreement for pre-construction, engineering and design work. The Senators also sent a letter to the Office of Management and Budget and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pressing for full funding for the project. This week, OMB and the Army Corps funded the Jamaica Bay Stony Creek Marsh Island project in their FY23 IIJA/BIL Work Plan, including $2 million more for design, and $16.61 million for construction.
