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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Will Invest Over $10.9 Million in New York State Military Bases

Funding Will Repair Barracks Doors and Runways, Replace Furnaces and Create Jobs

Schumer, Gillibrand: These Projects are a Win-Win for Fort Hamilton

U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand today announced that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) will provide $4,071,300 million to Fort Hamilton through the Department of Defense for repair projects and job creation. A total of $10.9 million has been administered to New York State military bases.  
"These projects are a winwin for Fort Hamilton  and for Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights and Bensonhurst  that will bring greater investment in these facilities and improve conditions for the brave men and women who serve in our armed forces," said Senator Schumer. "This funding for Fort Hamilton will vastly improve the infrastructure at the base and at the same time will create jobs to give a much needed economic boost to Brooklyn."
"These critical federal dollars will help to upgrade our military facilities while creating goodpaying jobs right here in New York," said Senator Gillibrand.  "Creating jobs in New York is my number one priority.  This funding will strengthen our economic recovery efforts and ensure our men and women in uniform have the very best facilities and opportunities.  They and their families have sacrificed for all of us and owe them for their incredible service."
Located at the east side of the VerrazanoNarrows Bridge in Brooklyn, New York, Fort Hamilton is the only active military base in metropolitan New York City. Fort Hamilton is known as "The Army's Ambassador to New York City" and has a rich history of providing harbor defense and security to New York City. Part of the Installation Management Command's Northeast Region, Fort Hamilton supports a several important tenant organizations: the U.S. Army New York City Recruiting Battalion, the Military Entrance Processing Station, the headquarters of the North Atlantic Division, Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Army Reserve Center, and others. New York National Guard units based at Fort Hamilton provide civil support and security for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and other military and civilian agencies.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will provide over $4 million to Fort Hamilton and a total of $10.9 million in funding for military bases in New York State. The projects will immediately create local jobs in communities across New York, while stimulating longterm employment and economic opportunities for the American public.
The funding breaks down as follows:
  • $ 597,300 to repair Schum Ave.     
·          $1,540,000 to replace HVAC with geothermal energy for building 209.
·          $250,000 to replace electric and water meters.
·          $210,000 to repair an elevator.
·          $1,450,000 to construct two geothermal plants.
·          $24,000 to remodel a kitchen.
·          $683,000 convert oilfired boilers to gas and remove fuel storage tanks.

This Recovery Act funding addresses some of the unique economic pressures faced by American service members across the nation. These kinds of investments in military construction will further President Obama's goal of providing stimulus to the economy while helping to improve the quality of life for our troops and their families.