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Local Governments Heroically Responded To COVID Outbreak, Ripping Holes In Their Budgets To Obtain PPE, Cleaning/Disinfecting Facilities, Testing, Tracing, And More 

Senators Say FEMA Funding Will Reimburse Onondaga County For Costs Related to Pandemic Response

Schumer, Gillibrand: Federal Funding Will Help Onondaga Keep Up The Fight Against COVID-19

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced $5,255,681.63 in federal funding for Onondaga County from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cover costs associated with the County’s COVID response. The funds reimburse Onondaga County for expenses related to the purchase and distribution of medical supplies and materials including PPEs, cleaning/disinfecting facilities, distribution of food and water, staffing for the emergency operations center, set up and operation of temporary testing sites, dissemination of information to the public and guidance regarding COVID-19, isolation and quarantine related sheltering, security and law enforcement, and medical monitoring of COVID cases within the County.

“Pandemic recovery begins by tackling the costs local government have incurred managing the crisis and keeping residents safe throughout the pandemic,” said Senator Schumer. “Onondaga County and localities throughout New York have heroically stepped up to fight the pandemic on the front lines, resulting in increased spending, while experiencing significant revenue losses. I am proud to deliver this funding that will help Onondaga stave off disastrous layoffs and tax hikes, keep essential services running, and rebuild its economy.”

“Our local governments need additional resources to help keep New Yorkers safe during this pandemic” said Senator Gillibrand. “This direct relief is great news for Onondaga County and will help cover the significant cost incurred to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Federal funding like this is exactly what’s needed to help jumpstart New York’s economic recovery and to help keep local governments afloat.”

County Executive Ryan McMahon said, "Local counties have been on the front lines fighting this pandemic since day one. This has resulted in significant additional costs to ensure our community had the resource we needed to fight COVID-19." McMahon continued, "Thank you to our federal partners for their recognition of the role that counties have played in fighting pandemic and for their tireless efforts to ensure we received the direct reimbursement we deserve." 
