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Funding Will Be Used to Improve Ferry Maintenance Facility Infrastructure to Mitigate Future Flood Damage and Allow Expedited Recovery

U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, and U.S. Representative Max Rose today announced $3,045,591 in federal funding for a flood mitigation project at the Staten Island Ferry Maintenance Facility (FMF). These federal funds are administered through U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and will be provided to New York City’s Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) to harden FMF’s infrastructure by constructing heavy duty watertight pedestrian doors, overhead doors, window EZ flood panels, backwater valves, and electrical enclosures for the sewer ejector pit electrical system.

In 2012, the Staten Island Ferry Maintenance Facility suffered a considerable amount of damage when it was flooded with seawater from the Great Kills Harbor due to Superstorm Sandy. The flooding resulted in complete loss of function of the FMF and disruption in service. The flood mitigation project will prevent physical flood damage, shorten the loss of function duration and allow the facility to recover more efficiently, according to FEMA.

“Millions of passengers rely on the Staten Island Ferry for consistent service every year. Superstorm Sandy and the subsequent flooding that devastated Staten Island’s shore communities, including the Ferry Maintenance Facility, disrupted the continuity of that service,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer. “Providing federal funds such as these are critical toward securing facilities for future natural disasters. With these funds, the Staten Island FMF will upgrade its infrastructure to prevent future flood damage and allow the facility to recover more quickly in the event of another catastrophic storm.”

“The Staten Island Ferry serves families, tourists, and commuters every day,” said U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. “This grant will help repair the Staten Island Ferry Maintenance Facility from damage caused by Superstorm Sandy and flood-proof the building to protect it from future storms. I will continue to fight in the Senate for the resources our transportation systems need so they can safely and efficiently serve all who use them.”

“This much-needed federal funding will help protect the Staten Island Ferry Maintenance Facility against the next Superstorm—because we cannot afford a repeat of Hurricane Sandy. Millions ride the Ferry every year, including so many hard-working Staten Islanders who depend on it to get them to and from work every day,” said Congressman Max Rose. “That’s why it’s necessary that we make these critical investments to help stormproof our Island now, and I’ll continue working with my partners at every level of government to make sure we’re prepared."

FEMA provided this funding through its Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), which provides grants to state and local governments in order to execute long-term disaster mitigation after a major disaster like Hurricane Sandy. The purpose of the HGMP is to diminish the loss of life and property damage due to natural disasters and to enable immediate recovery post-disaster. The HGMP is authorized under Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
