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For Decades, ‘Rest Haven Home’ Has Been a Regional Landmark & Represents NYS History Of Helping Blind Women & Girls; ‘Rest Haven Home’ Is Listed on NYS Register of Historic Places But Senator Says Federal Designation is Necessary

Schumer Has Long Fought To Protect Sanctity Of New York’s Most Cherished Historical Landmarks; Urges NPS to Add ‘Rest Haven Home’ to National Register of Historic Places, So That It Can Continue to Grow And Succeed Within Community For Years To Come 

Schumer To Feds: Rest Haven Home Deserves A Fed Designation To Inspire Future Generations


U.S Senator Charles E. Schumer today called on the National Park Service (NPS) to add Orange County’s Rest Haven Home to the National Register of Historic Places. Schumer, a proponent of protecting historical landmarks throughout New York State, said that for over four decades the Rest Haven Home has played a pivotal role in the history of blind education in America and has acted as an important hub for blind women specifically. Additionally, Schumer said that its halls have even been graced by Helen Keller, who visited and assisted Rest Haven’s operations. Schumer is confident that Rest Haven will serve as a vital and inspiring landmark to New Yorkers and tourists and act as a symbol of the strides made by the blind community and others with disabilities.

“The Town of Monroe’s Rest Haven Home is a historic community landmark that has aided the lives of countless blind individuals, including American hero and activist, Helen Keller, and that’s why adding this home to the National Register of Historic Places is so important,” said U.S. Senator Charles  Schumer. “Providing the Rest Haven Home with this federal designation will help ensure that part of Helen Keller’s legacy is preserved, as well as the historic integrity of the home. It is my hope that NPS heeds my call so that we can draw more attention to the Rest Haven Home’s core mission.”

Rest Haven has helped blind individuals throughout history by providing them with a place to learn and grow. Prominent historical figures were involved with Rest Haven, including Helen Keller who was a member of the Board of Trustees for the American Foundation for the Blind. Keller’s involvement in this facility is proven by various documents and photographs obtained from a multitude of sources, including the Library of Congress. Records show that the home has remained unaltered, and due to this, the facility provides a unique venue for others to learn about the importance of education for the blind.

Rest Haven Home was first designed and decorated for the purpose of bringing adult blind women to the area for two weeks. M.C. Miguel, the founder of the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), and the first owner of Rest Haven Home, purchased the building in 1923. By 1924, Miguel gave the home its namesake, and numerous individuals within the community became involved with the shared goal of helping blind adult women by providing them a hub for education ventures and social activities. Notably, Helen Keller who was a member of the Board of Trustees for the American Foundation for the Blind, assisted in the home operations as evidenced by various documents and photographs obtained from a multitude of sources, including the Library of Congress. In 1944, Rest Haven Inc. gave the title of the home to the American Foundation for the Blind where it continued to serve the nation’s blind community. Shortly after Keller died in 1968, the home was repurchased and used for office space, although the accessible design was not altered further preserving the rich history of the home.  The property was then purchased on September 13th, 2016, by HRR Corp, who knew about the historical significance and fought to preserve it.  Finally, on December 29th, 2016 the property owner, Timothy Mitts, was notified that the location was up for nomination as a historical site after a visit from the New York State Historical Society. Mr. Mitts, who also owns 15 other residential properties, plans to renovate and reopen the home as a group home for senior citizens who need help with meals and other responsibilities.

Schumer explained that Rest Haven Home has already been added to the New York State Register of Historic Places but must also be added to the National Register of Historic Places in order to preserve the home for tourists and New Yorkers alike.

A copy of Senator Schumer’s letter to the National Park Service appears below:                                

Dear Mr. Loether,

I am pleased to write today in support of placing the Rest Haven Home, located in Monroe, New York on the National Register of Historic Places through the National Park Service (NPS). This prestigious designation would not only help to protect the historical integrity of Rest Haven and all of its components, but most importantly, would help draw much deserved attention to this historically significant property for generations to come.

As you may know, the founder of the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), M.C.Miguel, purchased the building that is now the Rest Haven Home in 1923. By 1924, Miguel gave the home its namesake, and many individuals within the community became involved with the shared goal of helping blind adult woman. In 1944, Rest Haven Inc. gave the title of the home to the American Foundation for the Blind. Shortly after Helen Keller died in 1968, the home was purchased and was eventually used for office space, although the accessible design was not altered. The property was purchased on September 13th, 2016, by HRR Corp, who knew about the historical significance. On March 23rd, 2017, the New York State Board for Historic Preservation approved Rest Haven as a listing on the New York State Register of Historic Places.

The Rest Haven Home, to this day, continues to grow with the purpose of educating and inspiring future generations to come. Rest Haven has helped blind individuals throughout history by providing them with a place to learn and grow. Prominent historical figures were involved with Rest Haven, including Helen Keller who was a member of the Board of Trustees for the American Foundation for the Blind. Keller’s involvement in this facility is proven by various documents and photographs obtained from a multitude of sources, including the Library of Congress. Records show that the home has remained unaltered, and due to this, the facility provides a unique venue for others to learn about the importance of education for the blind.

Again, I urge you to place the Rest Haven Home on the National Register of Historic Places to uphold the integrity of this important historical site, while also ensuring that the Rest Haven Home remains an important community center for education and learning. I look forward to working with you on this important issue.


Charles E. Schumer  

United States Senator
