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Schumer: Rove's Lawyer Says It Wasn't Rove Who Orchestrated Leak Of CIA Operative Name, But It Would Be Nice To Hear It From Rove Directly

Senator Calls on Rove to Clear the Air and State the He Didnt Leak Plame Identity or Direct Anyone Else to Do Dastardly Thing

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer led the push in Congress for an aggressive investigation into the leaking of the identity of C.I.A. officer, Valerie Plame. Schumer called for an immediate investigation into the CIA leak and ensured that Jim Comey appointed an independent prosecutor, Fitzgerald. He also called for Alberto Gonzales and John Ashcroft to recuse themselves from the case. He released the following statement today in reaction to reports the Roves attorney denies any wrongdoing by his client:

Weve heard it from his lawyer, but it would be nice to hear it directly from Mr. Rove that he didnt leak the identity of Valerie Plame, and that he didnt direct anyone else to do such a dastardly thing. I have said from the first day I called for an investigation into this matter that whoever leaked the classified information should be punished to the full extent of the law.