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Senator Has Long Fought to Keep U of Rochester At The Cutting Edge of High Tech Energy Research

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced that he successfully convinced U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz to visit the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) of the University of Rochester. Schumer, who last year helped secure $68 million in funding from the 2016 budget for the LLE, is now advocating for federal investment in the upcoming Fiscal Year 2017 federal budget to help grow the laser lab which is a key driver of Rochester's optics and photonics prowess and in the nation's development of new renewable energy sources. Schumer said this visit will symbolize a major milestone for the University, which will soon show their research to our nation’s top energy scientist. 

“Secretary Moniz will see first hand, the Laboratory for Laser Energetics of the University of Rochester’s world-class laser lab in action and see all the reasons why I'm pushing to see it grow,” said U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer. “Since its inception in 1970, the laser lab continues to shine in the forefront as one of our nation'sleading institution to advance physics, photonics, and optics in order to help discover new and efficient sources of energy. I look forward to personally showing Secretary Moniz around campus very soon.”

Early this year, Schumer announced his push to preserve and secure $68 million in the Fiscal Year 2017 Department of Energy Appropriations bill to continue the vital work performed at the LLE. 

Established in 1970, the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE), home to OMEGA which is the second most powerful ultraviolet fusion laser in the world,  is a unique national resource for research and education in science and technology and a major asset of the University not found at any other university in the country. Both the Rochester area and the University have a history of innovation that provides a singular environment for LLE within a technologically sophisticated scientific community.

The LLE employs over 300 full­time staff members, in addition to university faculty members. Since its inception, the LLE has attracted almost $2 billion to New York State to support cutting edge research, and 500 individuals are currently involved in the program. Through the LLE’s mission, the University also attracts more than 400 additional visiting scientists each year to Rochester from national laboratories, universities, and companies and hosts hundreds of graduate, undergraduate, and high school.
