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New Report Shows That Over A Third of FBI Agents Are Under-Qualified to Fight The Growing Threats Of Cybercrime and Online Terrorism

Schumer Urges FBI To Train Agents at State-of-the-Art Cybersecurity Training Center

Schumer: Utilize Uticas Cybersecurity Training Center to Give FBI Agents the Tools to Fight In 21st Century



In light of a recent report that FBI agents often lack the expertise and training needed to fight rapidly spreading and rapidly evolving cybercrime, United States Senator Charles E. Schumer today called on FBI Director Robert Mueller to utilize Utica College's cutting edge Cybersecurity Center to train FBI agents to appropriately investigate cybercrime and online terrorism. Utica College is home to both the Economic Crime Institute (ECI) and the Center for Identity Management and Information Protection (CIMIP). The CIMIP facilitates a national research agenda on identity management, information sharing policy, and data protection, and ECI supports education and research in economic crime and information security. Schumer pushed the FBI to utilize the firstclass education and training available at Utica College to better prepare its agents for crimes of the 21 st century.

"Criminals and terrorists are seizing the day when it comes to using the latest technology to engage in hightech crime sprees," said Schumer. "Unfortunately, we haven't done the best job of training our law enforcement professionals so that they can keep pace. The good news is, part of that solution lies in Utica's Center for Internet Security. I strongly encourage the FBI to use this stateoftheart center as a training center so their agents have the skills they need to fight back against rapidly spreading-and rapidly evolving-cybercrime. It would be good for Utica, good for the FBI and the nation, and be a huge boost to our national security."

"We're thrilled that Senator Schumer has lent his support for Utica College's Cybersecurity training capabilities," said Utica College President Dr. Todd S. Hutton. "This is an exciting opportunity, and we look forward to exploring the possibilities. We will also look to Senator Schumer for his continuing support in helping to develop the Mohawk Valley as a national center of excellence for Cybersecurity."

Utica College is home to both the Economic Crime Institute (ECI) and the Center for Identity Management and Information Protection (CIMIP). The purpose of the Center for Identity Management and Information Protection (CIMIP) is to facilitate a national research agenda on identity management, information sharing policy, and data protection through collaborative efforts of corporate, governmental and academic entities.  CIMIP conducts studies and conferences that will promote new prevention strategies, improved information sharing, innovative information use, enhanced technological solutions, and drive policy, regulatory, and legislative decisions.

The Economic Crime Institute (ECI) supports education and research in economic crime and information security, and is a resource for innovative solutions to corporate, government, and law enforcement entities.  The ECI supports the Economic Crime Investigation and Management faculty of Utica College in the development of academic programs and it provides a national forum for the exchange of ideas on economic crime and fraud management.  The Institute is led by experts in the prevention, detection, and investigation of economic crime and fraud. Students at Utica College, working alongside the Secret Service, led one of the first studies of identity theft ever conducted on a large scale. The yearlong study examined 500 cases of identity theft and improved the federal government's understanding of typical criminals and victims of identity theft.

A recent U.S. Department of Justice report brings news that many FBI agents tasked with investigating cybercrime and online terrorism lack the networking and counterintelligence expertise to fully investigate national security computer intrusion cases. The DOJ's Office of the Inspector General  came to these results through interviews with 36 field agents in 10 of the FBI's 56 field offices nationwide, of which more than a third of the agents reported this lack of cybercrime fighting knowledge. In order to bring the FBI agents up to speed as soon as possible, Schumer highly recommends agent training at the Utica College Cybersecurity Training Center, a well developed cybersecurity intelligence program and forensic training center.

Schumer also notes that Utica College and the Center for Internet Security (CIS) plan to bring together several of the nation's leading experts in cybersecurity to participate in a Cybersecurity Summit on June 3 rd at Utica College. The summit, "Best Defense: Joining Forces Against Emerging Cyber Threats," will examine the current cyber threat landscape and highlight privatepublic education partnerships contributing to regional, national and global efforts to combat cybercrime and the threat of cyber attack. This summit demonstrates Utica College's high level of knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, yet another reason for the FBI to utilize this facility and its programs as part of the plan for improving cybercrime investigations and training.

A copy of Senator Schumer's letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller appears below:


June 2, 2011


Robert Mueller

Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 205350001


Director Mueller:


I write to urge to bring to your attention a resource that can help the FBI better prpare its agents to fight the rapidly spreading, and rapidly evolving, area of cybercrime. Cybercrime, whether the perpetrator be a criminal, unscrupulous firm,terrorist or foreign entity, is a growing threat to the safety and security of all Americans. I recently learned the Federal Bureau of Investigation has not sufficiently addressed this issue and that the bureau is employing efforts to improve the situation.            

According to a recent report by the Department of Justice, FBI agents tasked to investigate cybercrime and online terrorism may not possess the adequate training needed to fully protect our nation from cyber threats.  Moreover, the Department of Justice report showcases a weakness in online policing capabilities.

Under the direction of Deputy Director T.J. Harrington, the Bureau outlined a number of steps it would take to improve its expertise in cybercrime. I would like to showcase an exceptional program the FBI should take advantage of in an effort to complete its improvement goals. 

Utica College is home to a well developed, stateoftheart cybersecurity intelligence program and forensic training center that has already been utilized by the U.S. Secret Service in a groundbreaking study that examined identity theft. Currently, Utica College is coordinating a strategic plan for the continued growth and development of this nationally recognized program. The plan will help position the college as a national leader for cybersecurity education, fostering more partnerships and important research.

I would like to encourage the FBI to utilize this facility and its programs as part of the plan for improving cybercrime investigations and training. I believe the Bureau and the college could form a training partnership aimed at strengthening the capabilities of the FBI cybercrime division while allowing Utica College to tailor its intelligence and forensics capabilities. 

As the Bureau works to improve the investigatory capabilities within its cybercrime division, I remain fully confident in the capabilities of Utica College's Cybersecurity Training Center and hope to see a partnership evolve. I'd also like to commend the exceptionally talented agents that make up the Federal Bureau of Investigation and thank them for their service to America.           





Charles E. Schumer

United States Senator