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Schumer Pushes For More Federal Investments To Help Foster And Create New Higher-Ed Cyber Programs Like The Cybersecurity Program At SUNY Adirondack

Schumer: Congress Must Upload More Fed Investments Into Cybersecurity Higher-Ed

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer visited and toured SUNY Adirondack’s Cybersecurity program. Schumer met with school leaders, heard from students about the Cybersecurity and Information Security degree programs, and launched his effort to secure more federal investment opportunities for colleges like SUNY Adirondack looking to create or expand their cyber-related degree programs. Specifically, Schumer called on his colleagues in Congress to make greater investments to train the next generation of cybersecurity experts, who are vital to helping protect our nation’s digital infrastructure which is increasingly vulnerable.

"From my visit today, it is clear that SUNY Adirondack is making a commitment to train and educate the future generation of programmers, hackers and computer scientists to protect our digital infrastructure – which is under constant threat from our adversaries,” said Senator Schumer. “As Leader, it’s one of my highest priorities to keep New York and our country safe. You can bet that I will be fighting tooth and nail in Washington to ensure that higher education institutions like SUNY Adirondack receive additional federal funding to protect and grow their Information Security degree programs.”

According to SUNY Adirondack, students are coming far and wide to enter the world of cyber and information technology security. Currently, the SUNY Adirondack program offers an associate’s degree in IT Cybersecurity. In this program, students receive theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. For example, students have the opportunity to watch hacking simulations so they are better prepared to identify and protect online network vulnerabilities such as: maintaining online privacy, protecting and preventing security breaches – which is an increasing concern for many institutions, government agencies, and businesses in New York and around the country.

Schumer was joined by, Dr. Kristine Duffy, President of SUNY Adirondack, Professor Marc Guise, Professor Nick Paigo Cybersecurity and Information Security degree program, Rolf Ronning and Steve Mann, students in the Cybersecurity Program, Jared Humiston, President of ADK Techs, company that hires graduates from the program and Alan Van Tassel, Executive Vice President of StoredTech in Queensbury, company that hires graduates from the program.

Schumer said it is more important than ever for the federal government to be making investments into protecting our online critical infrastructure. Specifically, Schumer will point to the recently passed bi-partisan and historic budget caps deal, which now makes it possible for the federal government to allocate even more resources to cybersecurity training and education programs. Schumer said this means colleges like SUNY Adirondack, who are committed to growing their cybersecurity programs, could soon see new opportunities to apply for federal grants or designations like being named a National Information Assurance (IA) Education & Training Programs to grow their cybersecurity programs.
