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Schumer Welcomes Chautauqua County Leaders To Washington D.C.

Schumer Has Delivered Millions For Chautauqua County; Pledges To Continue To Work With Local Leaders To Drive Further Federal Investment To Boost Chautauqua Economy

Schumer: From Barcelona Harbor to Jamestown, I Will Always Fight For Chautauqua County

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer yesterday personally welcomed Chautauqua County leaders to Washington D.C. Schumer met with Chautauqua County Executive P.J. Wendel, Chautauqua County Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon, Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development and CEO of the County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency, and Dave McCoy, Watershed Coordinator for Chautauqua County. The group discussed the ongoing community, business and infrastructure needs of Chautauqua County.


“From the waters of the Barcelona Harbor to the concord grape fields in Westfield to Jamestown and the glorious lake, Chautauqua County represents the best of Upstate NY – and always has a champion in the U.S. Senate Majority Leader,” said Senator Schumer.  “Whether it is securing millions for our local and county governments in the American Rescue Plan or delivering critical  investment to keep our waters clean, airports humming and harbors bustling, I always have the people of Chautauqua County at the top of my mind – and will always fight to make sure their voices are heard in Washington. I am eager to continue to work closely with the County Executive Wendel and leaders across Chautauqua to continue to deliver federal investment that will help breathe new life into our downtowns, energize our rural areas and farms, and preserve Chautauqua County’s natural beauty for generations to come.”


In recent years, Schumer has delivered significant funding for Chautauqua County including:


·         Last year. Schumer secured over $10 million for critical local infrastructure projects in Chautauqua County through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Including:

  1. $5,930,000 for dredging and breakwater repairs to the Dunkirk Harbor.
  2. $1,150,000 for dredging Barcelona Harbor.
  3. $1,000,000 for dredging the Cattaraugus Creek Harbor.


·         Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure & Jobs Act, Schumer secured over $1.3 Million for Investment into Chautauqua County Airports


·         Working alongside Senator Gillibrand, Senator Schumer secured $1 billion in funding for the cleaning and replenishment of the Great Lakes Region and the importance of these bodies of water for WNY. 


·         As a part of the Schumer-championed American Rescue Plan, more than $75 million went directly to the Chautauqua County region through the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. Including $24.6 million for Chautauqua County.


