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“Yesterday’s announcement is deeply and bitterly disappointing. To say that I am outraged is an understatement. This facility is the heart and soul of the North Country, and we have all worked so hard to protect and preserve these jobs. These are hard-working, extremely productive workers – many have given decades of service – whose labor has garnered ALCOA enormous profits over the years. They deserve better.  

Like everyone else, I was completely blindsided by the announcement. I immediately contacted the CEO, Mr. Kleinfeld, and he knows how angry I am with their decision. I will continue to engage with the company – and will partner with local leaders, my federal partners, and the Governor to do anything we can to help. Simply put, I am not giving up the fight, and I will do everything in my power to change their minds, change their plans, and restore jobs to impacted areas.”

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer