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  • Today U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that Rochester's Hickey Freeman will be adding an additional 25 jobs over the next four weeks and aiming to employ as many as 550 people at the plant by the end of next year.  Currently there are approximately 480 employees working at the facility.  Schumer said that the plant was operating at capacity, and parent company Hartmarx Corporation will be aggressively marketing the American made Hickey Freeman brand in Europe and Asia.    Schumer led... Read More
  • Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has agreed to give Onondaga County and the city of Syracuse more time to provide input into FEMA's recent decision to require approximately 2,400 property owners to purchase flood insurance at an average cost of $800 per year.  By law, FEMA is required to give adequate and substantial notice to local municipalities and residents if they intend to add additional properties to the county flood map... Read More
  • Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that he is pushing legislation to foster research and development of incar technology to fight the scourge of drunk driving. This legislation will create a consortium to drastically curb drunk driving by funding a partnership between antidrunk driving advocates, large car companies and the federal government to design devices that prevent intoxicated people from getting behind the wheel. During a conference call, Schumer said that drunk driving... Read More
  • Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that the Farmersville Volunteer Fire Department has received a federal grant totaling $28,297 as part of Round 16 of the FY09 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The funding will be used improve departmental operations and safety. "This essential grant ensures that the Farmersville Volunteer Fire Department will continue to have the basic resources required to do their jobs,... Read More
  • WASHINGTON, DC-U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (DNY)-joined by a bipartisan group of nine other senators-urged the Obama administration Tuesday to pressure the Chinese government to stop suppressing the release of an independent report that is said to conclude that China manipulates its currency to gain an unfair competitive advantage.   An annual report issued last summer by the staff of the International Monetary Fund is believed to have found that China intentionally undervalues its currency... Read More
  • Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer toured a frost damaged apple farm and met with farmers from Ulster and Dutchess counties. During an appearance at a Dutchess County apple orchard, Schumer said that a recent late frost has caused damage to a variety of crops, from apples to black dirt onions.  Schumer met with farmers to see the extent of the damage and discuss potential responses.   "Our farmers are the backbone of New York's rural economy and this late frost could potentially be a big... Read More
  • Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that he has secured a commitment from Army Secretary John McHugh that the Army would keep the Army Reserves "Virtual Installation" open and operating, and that the 490th Quartermaster Company is scheduled to activate in Rochester, New York on September 16 th, 2012.  Schumer has been working with the Army for the last three months, urging them to keep the 98 th Reserve Division, currently stationed in Rochester, from moving to a base in Georgia. ... Read More
  • Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that he is fighting to secure vital funding for the Midtown Plaza Revitalization project. During an appearance at the Midtown Plaza, Schumer said that the funds would provide for critical upgrades to roads and other pieces of infrastructure to allow employees and residents to reach the development - improvements that must be made in order for the project to be complete.  The Midtown Revitalization project is expected to attract hundreds of... Read More
  • Today U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, responding to troubling reports from local Delphi workers, personally called General Motors (GM) CEO Ed Whitacre, urging him to keep the plant open and operating.  Schumer said that he had heard reports that unless workers agree to swallow yet another devastating pay cut, General Motors is threatening to shutter the facility when workers' contracts expire in September 2011. As a champion of GM's acquisition of Delphi and a supporter of the... Read More
  • US Senator Charles E. Schumer today urged the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to reimburse the counties of Oswego, Lewis, Cayuga, and Oneida to help them recover from an onslaught of snow as soon as possible. With the localities exceeding their overtime budgets to remove the snow from its roads, Schumer wrote to FEMA today saying the federal government should provide relief immediately. "When you have enough snow to create a town full of ice tunnels where no one can drive and... Read More
  • Standing with Erie County Executive Joel Giambra, US Senator Charles Schumer today unveiled a plan that will go a long way toward fixing New York's budget deficit by providing $2.5 billion to the state and its localities in direct federal aid. With local governments facing the prospect of raising property or sales taxes or cutting essential services, Schumer estimates that his bill could send about $116 million to Erie County; $31.1 million to Niagara County, and $17.6 million to Chautauqua... Read More
  • US Senator Charles E. Schumer reached the halfway point of his pledge to visit all 62 New York counties after only three months in office. Throughout his visits to 31 counties, Schumer has talked with thousands of individuals about the issues and concerns important to them and their communities. He has made revitalization of Upstate's economy, and returning wellpaying jobs to Upstate, his top priority in the Senate. "Upstate New York should be a thriving region," said Schumer.... Read More
  • US Senator Charles Schumer released findings today showing that the Capital Region is facing new highs in gasoline and heating oil prices with more increase to come as the oil strike in Venezuela deepens and war with Iraq becomes more likely. Schumer urged the Bush Administration to reconsider its decision to rule out using oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), a stockpile created in 1975 to deal with oil emergencies in the United States, in order to calm crude oil supply fears and... Read More
  • With falling Medicare reimbursements threatening ambulance service throughout Syracuse and New York State, US Senator Charles E. Schumer today unveiled a plan that would boost payments to ambulance providers. Standing alongside some of the Syracuse Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and paramedics who responded to the World Trade Center attacks, Schumer stressed the urgent need to increase support for first responder emergency medical personnel. Currently, Medicare pays about $2.1 billion each... Read More
  • Senator Charles E. Schumer, author of the 1994 Crime Bill, today announced that the Village of Perry has been awarded a $75,000 federal grant under the bill's Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program. The money will be used to hire one new community police officer as part of the bill's aim to add new cops to the beat. "As the author of the COPS program, I am proud to announce this grant," said Schumer. "In order to combat crime effectively, police departments... Read More
  • Schumer's new plan to protect New York City includes federal background checks for truck drivers, mandated tracking technology in trucks, and a database to monitor hazardous materials traveling along our highways US Senator Chuck Schumer today warned that unsecured trucks going in and out of New York City pose a major terrorist threat and left unaddressed leave New York vulnerable to significant attack. To counter the threats posed by trucks transporting hazardous chemicals and fuels to... Read More
  • Standing outside the Veridien Corporation in Cheektowaga, Senator Charles Schumer and NYS Assembly Majority Leader Paul Tokasz today asked the US Justice Department to fund a study into the feasability of developing a quickrelease seat belt device for police vehicles. Veridian is working to develop an automatic seat belt release that would allow officers to reach their weapons or exit the vehicle more quickly in an emergency. They were joined by Buffalo Police Commissioner Rocco Diina and... Read More
  • US Senator Charles E. Schumer today called upon business leaders to join him in forming an Upstate organization modeled on "Association for a Better New York" (ABNY), focused on the economic revival of the region. Schumer made his call during an address to ABNY this morning in New York City. "Twenty years ago, ABNY pulled New York City back from the brink of economic catastrophe," said Schumer. "But now we need an ABNY for Upstate, as well. Upstate has such tremendous... Read More
  • Senator Charles E. Schumer, author of the 1994 Crime Bill, today announced that the Village of Montgomery has been awarded a $37,500 federal grant under the bill's Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program. The money will be used to hire one new parttime community police officer as part of the bill's aim to add new cops to the beat. "As the author of the COPS program, I am proud to announce this grant," said Schumer. "In order to combat crime effectively, police... Read More
  • WASHINGTON, DC- U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (DNY), Russ Feingold (DWI), Ron Wyden (DOR), Evan Bayh (DIN) and Al Franken (DMN) announced new legislation Thursday to blunt the harmful impacts from the Supreme Court's decision allowing corporations and other special interests to spend unlimited sums to influence elections. The lawmakers said their goal is for the Senate to pass the new measure by July 4 so the law can take effect in time for the 2010 midterm elections.   The legislation is... Read More